Labels on everything help us organize, identify quickly and prevent loosing items, sometimes over and over again. There is no shortage of things on which to stick a label on, and when you get your hands on
I.D. Me Labels you will go label sticking happy!
When is comes to labels we keep some questions in mind:
• Will it really stick on every surface?
• Most labels don’t stand out, where can I get some that do?
• While labels are more and more cookie cutter out there, can mine have more personality?
• The items to label usually have a hard working life, which labels will be long lasting and resistant?
• Ordering a one size/ shape label types will not be the best for labeling all the items we need to tag.
• And the main doubt: Will the adhesive last?

Well, after trying I.D. Me Labels, we have nothing but praise for them.
First off, the speed with which we received the labels after choosing our colors, graphics, fonts and shapes was incredible! The company does pride themselves in a quick turnaround, and you should expect to get your labels anywhere from 24 to 48 hours after ordering.
These labels are thick, bright, are not shy, have vibrant colors and a glossy finish (they are laminated which makes them UVA resistant). Standing out is not a difficult feat for them. As far as getting creative and putting a little more of your personality into them, not only do they have a great selection of images, colors and shapes to choose from, and a nice font mix (10 fun ones to choose from) you can also use your digital photos. How much more personalization can there be? Having your child’s photo on the label is the most effective way for children to quickly and easily identify their belongings. A great help for pre-K students learning to spell their names. The ease with which you can build your labels is simple and refreshing.
In addition to the different shapes offered, I.D. Me Labels offers daycare labels, school labels, clothing labels, child safety labels, household labels and more, to help you decide on the best label for your use. Look at the adorable binky labels

We tried being tricky and we ordered the hexagonal shape thinking that the points and edges would be very quick to un-stick, but we were proven the contrary. These labels do stick and stick well.
Microwave, and dishwasher safe and resistant, check that off the list too: we wanted to challenge the labels a little further, we had a mom from our panel hand wash (more like scrub) a bottle with a label a little more (O.K. more than a LITTLE more) than she normally would her baby’s bottle. The label still maintained its integrity after 3 weeks of the same harsh treatment. We say with confidence that I.D. Me Labels are not only extremely resistant to everyday inconsiderate handling, they are definitively durable.

Although we did not receive it, and thankfully do not need them, we specially liked the allergy labels which are fun, not to mention a clever and great way of letting others know about your child’s food sensitivities. Very cute.
Need different shapes and sizes? Not to worry, I.D. Me Labels offers a couple of combo packs that will cover your needs and help you save $$$.
For toys, bottles, school supplies, diaper bags, back packs, sippy cups, clothes, shoes, you name it, the list is endless! Keep in mind that you get free shipping when you order $50 or more.
There is nothing else we at Cool Moms Cool Tips want to mark our things with other than I.D. Me Labels, and it will be the same for you. So, we highly recommend you try them. I.D. Me Labels has kindly offered a Cool Moms Cool Tips reader a:
-Set of All Purpose Icon Labels (Dishwasher and Microwave Safe) plus
-2 Bag Tags
Valued at: $30.00
To enter the giveaway please visit the I.D. Me Labels website and let me know which label you would like to have. This is your first entry and it is mandatory.
For additional entries to this giveaway, you can:
1-Blog about this giveaway and link back to this post (5 entries)
2- Follow I.D. Me Labels on Twitter and tweet: #moms #win a set of personalized @IDMElabels with @coolchillmom, enter #giveaway (you get an entry for every day you tweet ; don’t forget to leave a link to your tweet).
3- Follow us on Twitter and tweet : #moms #win a set of personalized @IDMElabels with @coolchillmom, enter #giveaway (you get an entry for every day you tweet ; don’t forget to leave a link to your tweet).
4-Grab our button (3 entries)
5- Follow our blog publicly (3 entries)
6- Add us to your blog roll (2 entries)
7- Enter any of my other current giveaways- (2 entries per giveaway).
8- Add this blog to your text-based blog roll (3 extra entries).
*Open to US and Canada residents.
*Make sure I have a way to reach you, by either enabling your email through blogger, or leaving your email in the comment.
*Winners are chosen by, so make sure you leave individual comments, not all of them in one!
*rules for each entry must be followed to be valid.
*Giveaway ends on February 5th, midnight EST.
*Winners will be announced on our Facebook fan page, join us there
*Winners will be contacted via e-mail and will have 48 hours to reply or new winners will be chosen.Labels: I.D. Me Lables, labels