2014 Holiday Fun Guide !

Halloween was lots of fun!  Now that its celebration was a success and behind us, we are gearing up for the many celebrations still ahead of us this year.
Day of the Dead, All Saints Day, Friendsgiving, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas.  The list is long and to that we can add our our little traditions for the season.
cool moms cool tips and muy latinas holiday fun guide

As you know, we at Cool Moms Cool Tips and at Muy Latinas are always ready for a good party and the holidays gives us ample opportunity for happy times together.
Need a hostess gift, something for the love or your life or your husband? (moms we know the love of your life, the apple of you eye is the little munchkin that lives with you  )
So we are putting together a linky of suggestions that can help you enjoy the festivities and find the perfect something for everyone in your list
Merry everything and happy happy to you!!!
May the holiday season bring what your heart is wishing for while you care for everyone else.
Cheers friends!
P.S.: Blogger friends if you want to join in please grab out image and post it in your blog. It will help other know you are part of this great blog hop help for the holidays. Don't forget to add your great suggestions to the linky!

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