Jarritos Soda: A Refreshing Icon North and South of the Border!

As a soda lover, I can’t resist the opportunity to discover what flavors are available out there. Usually that implies a trip. While I love to travel, well, doing it just to get acquainted with sodas flavors, is a bit on the expensive side. Then came Jarritos Along.
Jarritos, Mexico’s first national drink, has been around for more than sixty. Today it is the number one Mexican soda in the USA and an icon of Mexican culture. Yes, they are made in Mexico (hecho en Mexico!)

Despite loving Mexican food, and culture, truth be told, we had never tasted Jarritos. With a wonderful chance to taste 12 flavors of Jarritos ( in the comfort of my home), of course, it turned into a tasting party! I couldn’t wait to taste these sodas.

Some important factors to know before we tell you what we think of Jarritos:

- They are made with 100% natural flavors and sugar (not corn syrup).
-This soda comes in a distinctive glass bottle that is reminiscent of our childhood.
-There are 12 great fruity flavors to enjoy that truly are a reflection of the flavors of Mexico. I say this because The flavors are based on the traditional foods of regions in Mexico. Different regions of the country provide the fruits used to make Jarritos - for instance, the grapefruit used in their grapefruit soda comes from Veracruz.
The available Jarritos flavors are:
• Mandarin
• Fruit Punch
• Jamaica
• Toronja
• Lime
• Mango
• Strawberry
• Lima-Limon
• Pineapple
• Taramind
• Guava

WARNING: this is not your average orange or fruity soda, these are awersome! The variety of flavors is not only fun but also uniquely fabulous. Overall the sodas are less carbonated and more sweet and syrupy than a typical soda in our market. They all really taste to the fruit the label claims. Not overpowering or fragrant, it is like drinking a watered down juice that is totally refreshing and light. We really couldn’t pick a favorite but Strawberry, Mango, Lime, and Lima-Limon are up on the list. Last on the list was Guava, not because it is a bad flavor, but because someone has to come in last I guess. But, it is all about our own preferences. So, speaking for myself, whenever I come across any flavor of Jarritos, I will be happy and ready to be refreshed!
We are ready to celebrate our Thanksgiving with Jarritos, and can't wait to enjoy them!

Jarritos is having a contest we want to tell you about on Jarritos Nation ! a website designed to bring all fans of Jarritos together and get awarded prizes for posting photos. Entering is very easy – just head to Jarritos Nation and “claim” a location on the map with a photo. Prizes range from packages of Jarritos to digital cameras and even a 12 day cruise to Hawaii!

The contest at Jarritos Nation ends on December 31, 2010 at 11:59 pm PST

Also, the caps have different values and you can save up the points to cash in for prizes at their store. Check out Club Jarritos  for more information on that! I am saving points for the XBOX!

Now for OUR giveaway: one of you is going to win a sampler pack of Jarritos! You too can try all their flavors. To enter please Visit the Jarritos website and tell me which of their twelve flavors most appeals to you (it will be hard to pick!). You must complete this entry for all others to count.

Once you have done that, you can do any or all of the following for bonus entries:
1- Follow us on Twitter and tweet : RT @coolchillmom #Win a set of Refreshing Jarritos Mexican soda- Try something deliciously good!  http://bit.ly/eCUTRR (you get an entry for every tweet ; don’t forget to leave a link to your tweet).
2-Grab our button (3 entries)
3- Follow our blog publicly (3 entries)
4- Add us to your blog roll
5- Enter any of my other current giveaways (2 entries)
6- Promote this giveaway, and give us the link of where and what you did. (4 extra entries).

Winners will be announced on our Facebook fan page, join us there

*Open to US & Canadian residents only
*Giveaway will end on December 20th.
*Make sure we have a way to reach you, by either enabling your email through blogger, or leaving your email in the comment.
*Winners are chosen by random.org, so make sure you leave individual comments, not all of them in one comment.
*Rules for each entry must be followed to be valid..
*Winners will be announced on our Facebook fan page, join us there .
*Winners will be contacted via e-mail and will have 48 hours to reply or new winners will be chosen.
*Cool Moms Cool Tips is not responsible for sponsors not honoring their offer

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