Halloween Dressing up is Definitively Big Fall Fun!

As a Britax Latina Blogger/Advisory Board Member (and in partnership with Mami Innovative Media), this post is part of a sponsored outreach. All opinions expressed are my own

Even though the weather doesn't really take a major change for us in South Florida, we do get a one or two degrees cooler.  Enough enjoy more outdoor family time, and plan for our favorite celebration Halloween!
We build up gradually to the celebration.  Pumpkin bread, pumpkin spiced coffee, and pumpkin chips I found this year for the first time at my local grocery shop.  October 5th marks he time for our Halloween fun via decorations.
First we decorate our home together.  My entrance foyer always gets black bags with cotton spider webs   This year we are all about spooooky darkness, and have brought out lanterns, watching spying eyes, and ghosts all which go on at 8pm for a little screaming 5 minute session to release all energy before starting our nighttime ritual.
Of course we will have carve a pumpkin, and have a big messy and crazy carving session.  Well it is Daddy who makes all the carving mess while little ones and mommy do alternative decorations to the pumpkins.

Good thing is that after all these activities, then it is all about the costumes for Halloween.   I love dressing up, and fortunately for me, so do the kids!!!
When we go trick or treating, I am always a step back on my bike keeping an eye out following and leaving big munchkin to feel free and empowered to brave up to ask for her treats.
This year, we will be doing the same routine that we love.  Again, I will be riding my bike.  This time  with baby munchkin .  This time instead of just dressing up, I would love to make an awesome costume for me and my bike with my safe Britax Child bike chair.  (To read all about this amazing accessory to my bike read my review here.)
Here is my canvas for my #SafeConBritaxFallFun
cool moms cool tips

In trying to get ideas for this, I came across very creative and heart warming costumes for kids in wheelchairs.
So I wanted to share some of those images with you are a recognition to the families making Halloween perfect for these beautiful children, and to give them two thumbs up on being fellow "We go all out for Halloween!"

imaged sourced from: www.1halloween.net

image sourced from Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation site

image sourced from: pinterest - imeldaytacho (Imelda Amezquita)
image sourced from: tylerstrip.blogspot.nl

image sourced from:costumenation.com
Amazing!  I get very excited looking at this images and are sooo ready to start getting our costumes ready!
I am still are looking for ideas to make my bike and Britax child bike chair an unforgettable and creative costume.  If you have any ideas for me, please do share, I am getting nervous about not having a clear plan yet.  eeeeeeeeekkkkkk scary scary scary, just perfect to get us further in the  mood :-)

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